Puppy Culture is a comprehensive, organized program for breeders to follow during the first weeks of a puppy’s life. Puppy Culture helps to build and/or enhance Communication, Emotional stability,Habituation,Enrichment,Health & skills to name a few.
ESI is done in conjunction with ENS when puppies are 3-16 days old.
Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) is a set of five simple exercises designed to stimulate a puppy neurological, endocrine and circulatory systems at a point when their brain’s are undergoing massive development. Studies have shown that exposing neonatal mammals to small, brief amounts of stress effectively inoculates them to future stress, meaning that they will be more stable, calm and able to deal with stress as adults.
Research shows that tiny struggles and stresses in appropriate small doses are actually good for puppies and will help them grow into strong, healthy well-adjusted adults.
Benefits include greater tolerance to stress, greater resistance to disease, faster adrenal system, stronger heart rate and stronger heartbeat. This is a gift that a breeder can only give their puppies once during the window of 3-16 days.
Early scent introduction (ESI) is a training program for puppies designed to enhance their ability to identify, and react to, specific scents.
This means there is potential for them to be even better service and/or therapy dogs,companion pets & earning scent titles for a couple of examples.
Scent abilities are important & also a key factor in how our dogs "see" the world.
Scent abilities can matter a great deal when alerting a person to a gas leak, something burning, diabetic reaction or a seizure to name a few as well as tracking skills.